Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dreaming of Home

Recently, it came to our attention that there are programs that award mortgage free homes to Post 9/11 Disabled Veterans, and we went scanning through pages of homes online. We found one an hour away from our hometown, with enough room for our family of five. I fell in love with the kitchen, from only four pictures, and have been gently approaching the idea in my mind of what color I would paint it, a nice happy yellow or a pretty, light blue, maybe? I don't dare plan too far, for fear of getting my hopes (and Squee's) too high, because to have them dashed now would be a setback we can ill afford. So, it's only a thought, a prayer running through my mind at different moments of the day, "If this is the home for us, let us get this opportunity. If it isn't, bless the family that receives it." But then, I had a dream about it.
I was in the kitchen, and Siren was singing along to a radio playing, helping me load the dishwasher. In the background, I could hear Squee and Banshee and Echo in the living room, searching for just the right Disney movie before bedtime. I could smell the remnants of garlic lime chicken, one of the family favorites, and it all seemed so perfectly real that I felt a bit disappointed when I woke up. That was a few weeks ago.
Not long after my dream, we received a phone call from the organization we had applied through for a home, Military Warriors Support Foundation. Based on our application, Squee's service record and his combat awarded Purple Heart, we move into our new home in October, coincidentally five days after my birthday and one day after Siren's. Realistically we wouldn't have been financially able to own our own home, at least not within the decade, but this program keeps payments at a minimum and helps with financial management and counseling. We've been too excited to even share the news aside from with family, it was shocking to be honest and of course we're always afraid of that dreaded downside or a last minute mistake that would cost us this opportunity. But I can't contain myself much longer. The daily prayer has changed from "if this is what is right for us" to "thank you for this opportunity". Dreaming of a home has now become planning our future, and I'm so excited to see what lies in store for us!

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